We are currently working with one class each of 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade boys, for a total of 70 students.

By 2027, we will be serving 98 students grades 6th-12th through our After-School, Summer, and High School programs.

CGT students and staff taking a group picture at the 2023 art show.

What people are saying about us

Common Ground Troy is a wonderful tool that provides extra help for my students which reduces the amount of time I have to spend weekly on grade level objectives and can focus more on remedial skills.

It truly warms my heart to see the excitement in my students eyes as they run eagerly to Mr. Clint’s van and discuss all the fun things they get to do.

Common Ground Troy has helped my students become more academically successful in all classes.
— Shannon D. (6th Grade Resource Teacher)
Thank you for helping bring young boys up with core values.

I appreciate the impact this program has had on my son.
— Latasha C. (Parent)
They are making lifelong impacts in these boys’ lives and long term impacts in our community!
— Rachel G. (Parent)
It feels good to know that my son has help with his homework, character building, and keeping him close to the knowledge of our Lord! I am so thankful for the mentorship CGT provides!

Very thoughtful and a breath of fresh air!

My son loves it, too! I only pray that God continues to help him and grow this program so others can benefit from this as well!

Thank you, CGT.
— Courtney N. (Parent)